Wolf & Dupeyron, ed.
Le Filet Ancien au Point de Reprise II
174 Modeles artistiques inedites
Wolf & Dupeyron, editeurs, 104 Faubourg Poisonniere, Paris
The second Filet Ancient book, printed in 1913. Charted designs for darned net (filet), also useful for filet crochet, cross-stitch, and voided embroidery (Assisi). More strips, insertions, borders, corners, swags, and large motifs. The life of Joan of Arc, heraldic beasts, cherubs; folk tale scenes; cherubs and nymphs; Aesops fables; devotional motifs; Greek and Roman mythic figures; lords and ladies and court life; birds, beasts, flowers, and geometric/scrolling ornament; Night and Day; hunting scenes; procession of the Saints; and more.
Scans donated by Tamara Wijnsma, edited by Sytske Wijnsma, charted by Franciska Ruessink.
Embroidery Filet TT