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I-WM002 Needlework Designs from Old Examples

I-WM002 Needlework Designs from Old Examples

Hartshorne, Emily

Needlework Designs from Old Examples

Designs for Church Embroidery and Crewel Work. From Old Examples. Collected and Arranged by Emily Sophia Hartshorne. Eighteen Plates, containing upwards of Sixty Patterns. "In the hands of the skilful shall the work be approved"

Griffith & Farran, London. E.P. Dutton & Co., New York. 1880

Eighteen A2 plates with outlined embroidery patterns from various backgrounds. Ten plates have been edited, eight will follow later.

Scanned I402, I524 and edited by Sytske Wijnsma. Book transferred to Rijksmuseum Research Library, 2018-05-25.





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