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F-WM137 No. IV. Stained Glass Work

F-WM137 No. IV. Stained Glass Work  PDF 


Whall, C.W.

No. IV. Stained Glass Work

A Text-book for students and workers in glass. By C. W. Whall. With diagrams by two of his apprentices and other illustrations.

New York, D. Appleton and Company, MCMXIV [1914]

Practical book about stained glass work, from the Artistic Craft Series of Technical Handbooks edited by W. R. Lethaby, with a charming dedication to the authors apprentices and assistants. Last page of the index is missing, will be added later.

From the estate of Frans Wijnsma, scanned by Seya Wijnsma-Spek and edited by Yvonne DeBandi.






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