Spool Cotton Company (publ.)
Book No. 184
1942, The Spool Cotton Company
24 pages, stapled softcover, copyright 1942. Crocheted and knitted doilies, some filet crochet charts. Irish Crochet Doily, luncheon sets, table runners. Chic Circles, Rose o'Summer doily, Two-in-One, Williamsburg doily, Doily Drama with flower motif, Flowerstrewn runner with flower motifs,Scallop Shell small doilies and centerpiece, Midsummer Day runner, Hero's Salute filet crochet with eagle and shields, As You Like It tray doily, Staff of Life bread tray filet crochet doily, Lazy Susan filet crochet placemat, Hemlock Ring knitted doily, Starry Night knitted doily, Marlborough crocheted luncheon set, Flower Spoke crocheted doily, Chatelaine luncheon set, doilies in four sizes, Please Check It checkerboard patterned runner, Heart's Ease, floral doily, Whirl-a-way crocheted pinwheel doily, Pinwheel Trio doilies.
Book donated by Judith Parrish, scanned and edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
Charts Crochet Filet crochet Irish crochet JP