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M-PR004 Fabric Decoration with Paintex

M-PR004 Fabric Decoration with Paintex  PDF 


Fabric Decoration with Paintex

Including: 100 Gift Suggestions, How to Create Original Designs, Costumes and Accessories, Home Decoration, Paintexing as a Profession, Paintex Color Harmony Chart. Patented.

Taylor system of Color Harmony, Inc., 425 Fift Avenue, New York City.

Small softcover booklet, copyrighted 1926. 24 pages. Paintex is described as a fabric paint that does not spread on the fabric, but also doesn't stiffen the fabric as most paints would. Additionally Paintex Liquid Embroidery is described, a plastic paste used to outline designs and finish fabric edgings, to be colored with Paintex Metallic Powder. Many examples of how this decoration can be used for household objects and small gifts.

Scans donated by Patty Rosnel, edited by Sytske Wijnsma.






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